6 Ways Candles Make Your Living Room Only Better
Many of us are now familiar with the Scandinavian concept of “hygge,” which describes a mood of coziness and comfort, wellness and contentment. At 1502 Candle Co., all of our products are designed to promote feelings of happiness and well-being. Our candles, especially, naturally embody coziness in its purest form. But as the days grow shorter and the nights get cooler, let’s take some time to explore additional ways that candles can enhance your living space.
How to Make a Candle Burn Evenly
One of the most frustrating things about having a fragrant new candle is realizing it’s burning unevenly. This not only detracts from the aesthetics, but can also dramatically shorten how long it lasts. At 1502 Candle Co., we take care to provide simple tips on burning candles evenly that help you get the most out of our products
Fragrance Oils vs. Essential Oils
Many of our customers ask: what is the difference between essential oils and fragrance oils? At 1502 Candle Co., we use exceptional fragrance and essential oil blends to create our soy wax candles and refresh fragrance mists. In the simplest terms, this allows us to create a line of home fragrances that are unique, affordable and highly fragrant.
How Soy Wax Is Made
Michael Richards, a candle maker, discovered soy wax in 1991. Michael was looking for an inexpensive alternative to beeswax. As he experimented with different types of vegetable products, he eventually discovered a relatively cheap way to create wax from soybean oil. His invention paved the way for a new kind of candle, which burned cleaner than paraffin and was less costly to produce than many alternatives.
Soy Wax Candles
At 1502 Candle Co., we exclusively use soy wax for our products. The natural, vegetable-based material complements our vision and offers a number of unique benefits for the environment and your health
How To Make Soy Wax Candles
A How to Make Soy Candles Guide from a small San Diego candle shop. We don’t want to just make candles, we’d like to share the candle making process with you. Including, candle making supplies, instructions and more.